“An Orthodox community where people find transformation in Jesus Christ.”

Worship - Service - Community - Education

Passport to Pascha

Lenten Embassy
January 19, 2021

- Emily Lum -

This year's Lent may once again look differently, and dare I say more "independent" than I'm sure the Church would ever have hoped or thought possible.  I find myself in a position, as a parent of four young children, frequently scouring the web for online resources for my children at home.  Anything to more pervasively bring the Church into their routines and into our lives is a valued resource at this point.  And after eight years of the Lenten Passport Program we are not tired of it in my house, but rather it has become an even more valuable and beloved resource. Through the shut-down last year the Passport itself was a close companion of mine to explain the different services of Holy Week, and our small pilgrimage to the living room prayer table to participate was marked with each of their own stickers along the way.  This year, as in every year past, 100% of the profits from the Youth Enterprises Ministry (online sales worldwide) goes toward the Youth Programs at St. Spyridon, whether that be scholarships, events, or the hiring of a second Priest.  This year will be no different, except that we feel a greater responsibility to share the resource than ever before.  St. Spyridon Parishioners can expect a free Passport, stamps, Raising Lazarus Project confession tool, and Postcards to be available once the Triodion begins, but please share this resource with your friends, family, God-siblings, and internet fanbase.  This year's Lent may look different, but as we have learned this entire year, it can and will be what WE make of it in our own homes and hearts. Visit the Lenten Embassy Website at: www.lenten-embassy.myshopify.com.  

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Emily lives in Loveland with her husband Adam and their four spunky children. She has been involved in Saint Spyridon's youth ministry since first attending in 2009, and ...[more]
“An Orthodox community where people find transformation in Jesus Christ.”

Worship - Service - Community - Education

Saturday Evening - 5:00 Vespers | Sunday Morning - 8:30 Orthros | 9:30 Divine Liturgy

807 West 29th Street, Loveland, CO 80538 | Fr. Evan Armatas, Presbyter | 970.667.5778


Emily lives in Loveland with her husband Adam and their four spunky children. She has been involved in Saint Spyridon's youth ministry since first attending in 2009, and has loved watching and learning alongside all of the kids as the parish has grown!