“An Orthodox community where people find transformation in Jesus Christ.”

Worship - Service - Community - Education

March 10, 2017

Go to Church!
Pastoral Reflection

- Fr. Evan Armatas -

If I had asked my grandparents about what to do in life the likely response would have been, “Go to church!” That may sound a bit simplistic, but it isn’t. Honestly, the Church is an incredible teacher, and if we just to listen and follow her instructions our lives become rather different. Time and again the Church offers to us life-transforming guidance. She teaches how to work, how to play, how to develop friendships, how to be married, how to parent, and much more.

When I was younger, going to Church always seemed like a chore. I was often bored and would tell my parents that I didn’t see the point to it all. As I grew into an adult that set of thoughts continued to plague me. Then something interesting happened, life got more complicated and challenging.

I found that keeping myself from anger, finding peace or happiness, or even purpose wasn’t very easy. I found that being a parent, a friend, a co-worker, and a spouse were things that required more of me than I seemed to have inside. I can say that life at times was a struggle. Additionally, I have always been interested in growing, in becoming a better person, a better friend, parent, person, and husband. I have never been satisfied with thinking that my better days were behind me.

With these challenges in mind I began to listen more closely to the Church. I started paying more attention to the prayers, the hymns, its recommended rhythm of life, things like fasting and almsgiving, the writings of the Saints, and the guidance it gives regarding everyday living. Over time I have found that the Church has never failed to offer something true and something beautiful to me. I have found that I am changing and being transformed day by day into something new and better.

I hope you will join me this Lenten Season in going to Church more often and listening to what the Church has to say about life. I think you will find that the experience will change you for the better and that you will be transformed.

With prayer for a Blessed Lenten Journey,

Father Evan

Father Evan is the priest of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church in Loveland, Colorado. He and his wife Presbytera Anastasia are the happy parents of three daughters, Al
“An Orthodox community where people find transformation in Jesus Christ.”

Worship - Service - Community - Education

Sunday Morning - 8:30 Orthros | 9:30 Divine Liturgy

807 West 29th Street, Loveland, CO 80538 | Fr. Evan Armatas, Presbyter | 970.667.5778


Father Evan is the priest of Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church in Loveland, Colorado. He and his wife Presbytera Anastasia are the happy parents of three daughters, Alexia, Eleni, Maria, and a son Spyridon; they live in beautiful Fort Collins, Colorado where they ski, flyfish, and hike.