An ancient path of healing
for people in a modern world
Welcome to
St. Spyridon
We are a Christian Orthodox community where people find transformation in Jesus Christ.
Worship ~~ Service ~~ Education ~~ Community
Church Services
— Sundays: Orthros: 8:30am // Divine Liturgy: 9:30am—
Orthodox worship embodies two essential dimensions, evident across the myriad services of the Church. Firstly, it is a tangible expression of God's presence and activity among His people. Through Orthodox worship, we vividly experience the truth that God dwells in our midst, inviting us to partake in His divine life.
Second, worship is our corporate response of thanksgiving to the presence of God and a remembrance of His saving actions - especially the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Orthodox Worship is centered upon God.
We welcome all to join in worship for any service. To learn more about what you can expect on your first visit, click below.
The Divine Liturgy in the Orthodox Church is a sacred ritual, a profound encounter between the earthly and the divine. It's a time when believers gather to partake in ancient prayers, hymns, and sacraments, transcending time and space to commune with God. Led by clergy adorned in rich vestments, the Liturgy unfolds with solemnity and reverence, centering around the Eucharist—the sharing of bread and wine, believed to become the true body and blood of Christ. Through this mystical union, participants are united with God and with one another, fostering spiritual nourishment, renewal, and a deep sense of communal connection. The Divine Liturgy is not merely a religious service but a transformative journey, inviting believers to experience the presence of the divine in their midst and to be drawn into the eternal mystery of faith.
At Saint Spyridon the Liturgy starts at 9:30am on Sundays and weekly feast days throughout the week. Please see our CALENDAR for upcoming Divine Liturgies. To learn more about what you can expect, click HERE.
Vespers is an evening prayer service that marks the beginning of the liturgical day. As daylight fades and evening approaches, believers come together to enter into a sacred space where time seems to stand still.
At its heart, Vespers is a service of prayer and reflection, a transition from the labors of the day to the quietude of the evening. It serves as a bridge between the earthly and the heavenly realms, a time when the faithful pause to acknowledge the presence of God in their midst.
Through hymns, psalms, and prayers, Vespers invites participants to quiet their minds and open their hearts to the divine presence. It is a time of introspection and supplication, as believers offer their concerns, hopes, and gratitude to God.
Vespers also carries a sense of anticipation, as it prepares the soul for the mysteries of the night and the new day to come. It is a reminder of the continuous cycle of creation, redemption, and renewal, echoing the eternal rhythms of the cosmos.
Orthros, also known as Matins, is a profound and illuminating service in the Orthodox Church, typically held in the early morning hours before the Divine Liturgy. As the world awakens, believers gather to participate in this sacred ritual, marked by a sense of spiritual anticipation and reverence.
At its core, Orthros is a service of preparation and illumination. Through a rich tapestry of hymns, psalms, and prayers, it heralds the dawn of a new day with exultation and praise. The hymns, often steeped in ancient melodies and profound theological themes, serve to awaken the soul and stir the heart to contemplation.
Moreover, Orthros is a celebration of Christ's resurrection and victory over death as well as a celebra ion of the specific saint or feast day celebrated on that specific day. The hymns and prayers joyfully proclaim the triumph of light over darkness, offering hope and reassurance to all who gather in faith.
As the first light of dawn breaks, believers unite in prayer and praise, welcoming the presence of Christ into their midst and embracing the promise of a new day filled with grace and mercy.
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