Inquirers & catechists
A home for anyone new to our community or Christianity, as well as those exploring the Orthodox Church from another faith background.
What is a Catechist?
A catechist is like a well seasoned guide. They have experience in the parish and in the Church and this experience is valuable. They help you navigate the complexities of a new community and the essentials of the Orthodox Faith. They are here to assist you with your questions and point you towards additional resources. We also want to help you integrate into our community and find your place. A catechist can help with getting you situated in our community and attached to one of our ministries if that is your desire.
What is the difference between a guest, an inquirer, and a catechumen?
Newcomers to the community start as guests, happily welcomed without obligation. Some guests become inquirers, asking detailed questions about Christianity and exploring the parish and Orthodox theology. This stage may last months to a year or two. Inquirers may then become catechumens, preparing to join the Church through prayer, guidance, and specific rituals. The process involves prayer, choosing a godparent, confession preparation, and embracing a life of faith in Christ.
How often will I meet with a catechist?
How often you meet with one of our catechists is up to you. We encourage our catechists to stay in regular contact and to make themselves available around once a month or more if they are able and it is needed.
How does this ministry work?
When you arrive at Saint Spyridon, with your permission, we will record your contact information and enter you into our parish’s database. Don’t worry this database is not public or shared.
You will then be contacted by one of our clergy or staff who will introduce themselves to you and get a basic sense of your background and interest(s). If appropriate, we will ask if you would like to have a catechist assigned to you. If you do, a catechist will be put in touch with you. That catechist will then reach out to set up a time to meet with you.
Does a catechist replace the priest in my development?
The simple answer is “no.” A catechist is there to assist the priest but not replace him. It is important that you meet one-on-one with the priest.
Do I have to meet with a catechist?
If working with a catechist is not for you, there is no need to have one assigned. You are welcome to participate in the life of our community and to navigate your way through our services and events as you desire. We are here to help in whatever way fits best for you
Does my catechist become my godparent when I enter the Church?
No, the role of the catechist is to assist us as we make our way into the parish and the Church. We hope our catechists will continue to be an important part of your life, but hopefully so will others within the community.
what are the next steps one must take before they are baptized and/or chrismated?
While there is no set protocol or timeline for people who enter into the Church, there are some basic guidelines. The first step is pretty simple: show up. Entering into a life of faith and obedience to Christ and the Gospel begins by participating in the life of the Church on a regular basis. In time, our participation in the life of the community offers us an opportunity to consider the teachings of our Lord, His call of repentance, and how these apply to our lives. This realization means we begin to follow the commandments of Christ and the spiritual disciplines He offered to His Church. These personal steps are just one part of the process. In addition, we know it is important that you spend some time in some of the classes we offer and become a part of the ministries and life of the parish. Typically we offer an Introduction to Christianity class twice a year, in addition to retreats, Bible studies, fellowship nights, etc. All of these along with your one-on-one time with a Catechist help you understand and begin implementing aspects of Christianity into your life. Other resources like our library, bookstore, podcasts, and Ancient Faith Radio provide ways for you to learn and grow on your own time. In the end, however, we don’t want to simply fill your head with facts; rather we want to impact your heart through a relationship with Jesus and His Body the Church. We know this relationship will transform your life and offer something the world cannot, peace and holiness.
Click below to answer some basic questions and be connected with a catechist. If you have more questions, click HERE to contact our staff.