“The way to God lies through love of other people, and there is no other way. At the Last Judgement I shall not be asked if I was successful in my ascetic exercises or how many prostrations I made in the course of my prayers. I shall be asked, did I feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and the prisoners: that is all I shall be asked.”

Bishop Kallistos Ware


  • Gifted Hands is a group of creative crafters dedicated to preparing Chrismation/Baptism baskets for the newest members of our parish and welcome gifts for new babies. We invite all crafty parishioners interested in contributing their talents to join us and help create these special items. For questions or to get involved, please contact giftedhands@saintspyridon.church.

  • The objective of the Good Samaritan Project is to help the local Orthodox faithful focus on the practical and spiritual meaning of Christ’s call to love another, and His closely related call to help those in need. The Early Church changed the world because of its love of its adherents for one another, and for the way they demonstrated that love in supporting those in need. We believe our world today can be similarly changed if we would again fully embrace Christ’s call to love another. Our focus is to: Support and encourage community outreach within our parishes by sharing information about our efforts with one another and identifying opportunities to work more closely with one another; Provide parishioners with opportunities to learn about the meaning of Christ’ s call to love and assist those around us; and organize periodic pan-Orthodox events to help those in need, open to all parishes to participate. God willing, we may eventually establish an Orthodox spiritual presence in an underserved community in the Greater Denver area. For questions or to get involved, please see goodsamaritancolo.org or contact goodsamaritan@saintspyridon.church.

  • Each summer, our parish organizes a trip to Tijuana for the Project Mexico home-building season. We encourage all those interested to join us in building homes for those in need and  serve together on this meaningful project. Since 1988, Project Mexico and  St. Innocent Orphanage has been building secure, safe, and weather-tight homes for some of the most impoverished families in northern Mexico. Built strictly by volunteer labor, these homes provide families with economic security and hope for a brighter future. While serving these families, volunteers often find themselves transformed, realizing they have received far more than they have given. For questions or to get involved, please see projectmexico.org or contact projectmexico@saintspyridon.church.

  • The Orthodox Christian Mission Center strives to establish vibrant Eucharistic communities throughout the world by developing and supporting indigenous churches by recruiting, training and supporting Orthodox missionaries who preach, teach and minister to those being served. Our Parish is supporting Orthodox Missionaries in the field by making financial contributions, helping to raise awareness and maintaining a close relationship with them. If you would like to be an OCMC Ambassador for our Parish, or for questions please contact ocmc@saintspyridon.church

  • Storybook Connections is an outreach ministry of St. Spyridon Church, aimed at supporting the families of those incarcerated at the Larimer County Jail. In partnership with Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), an agency of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States, we work to create meaningful connections between incarcerated parents and their children. Volunteers visit the jail to record the parent reading an age-appropriate book to their child. This recording, along with the book, is then sent to the child, providing a tangible link to their parent. Volunteers receive training and orientation at the jail before participating. They work in teams of two (preferably male and female) to greet the inmate, help select a suitable book, record the reading, and assist in writing a note to the child. They also gather the necessary information to ensure the book and recording are sent to the child. Any parishioner who is at least 21 years old and interested in following our Lord’s command to “visit those in prison” is welcome to join us. We need volunteers to record readings at the jail, process the recordings, and handle the mailing of books and recordings to each child. Additionally, we are seeking donations of specific books (please reach out for list) as well as funding for books, envelopes, and postage. For questions or to get involved, please contact prisonministry@saintspyridon.church.

  • In partnership with local Parishes this ministry supports IOCC which offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need locally and worldwide. Our Parish strives to send volunteers annually to help IOCC rebuild wherever there is a need following hurricanes or other natural disasters helping families get back on their feet. Volunteers must be 18 and older. For questions or to get involved, please contact iocc@saintspyridon.church

  • A chapter of the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black has been established at St. Spyridon. Founded over 30 years ago, the Fellowship is non-political and aims to reflect the face of Christ through expressions of His love and reconciliation worldwide. It seeks to draw people of all races and backgrounds to the love and healing of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Ancient Orthodox Christian Church. Parishioners are invited to join in prayer every Tuesday evening at 8:15 PM via Zoom, as we strive to embody the spirit of the Good Samaritan in our divided world.  Our patron, St. Moses the Black, a fourth-century ascetic monk and priest in Egypt, was an Ethiopian known for his dark skin, hence the name “the black”. Once a slave and a murderer who joined a band of robbers, St. Moses repented through God’s great mercy, left his life of crime, and joined a desert monastery. He became a revered Desert Father. You can learn more about the Fellowship of St. Moses the Black by going to mosestheblack.org.questions or to get involved, please contact stmoses@saintspyridon.church

  • Our Hospitality Ministry is dedicated to creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for all who attend services or visit our church. This ministry comprises several key roles: Ushers, Greeters, Member in Charge (MIC), and the Welcome Table. Ushers assist with seating, provide information, and help maintain order during services, ensuring that everyone can fully engage in worship without distraction. Greeters warmly welcome visitors and members as they arrive, offering a friendly smile and guidance to make them feel at home. The Member in Charge (MIC) oversees the overall experience, coordinating the efforts of Ushers and Greeters and ensuring that all aspects of the ministry align with its goal of fostering a transformative connection to Christ. The Welcome Table Attendant ensures at the end of the Divine Liturgy that all newcomers have been greeted properly and that their information has been collected, providing a personal touch to the hospitality experience. For questions or to get involved please contact hospitality@saintspyridon.church

  • Our Guest Bread Ministry works alongside the Hospitality Ministry to  bring a warm touch of hospitality to new guests by gifting them with homemade sweet bread. This initiative invites bakers of all ages to participate. Bakers follow a rotational schedule and are responsible for finding coverage if they are unable to participate in their assigned week. They bake the bread, wrap it in foil or saran wrap, adorn it with ribbon, and include a welcome card. Children can draw a picture, and adults can add a heartfelt note. The completed loaves are then dropped off at the candle stands when arriving at church. For questions or to get involved, please contact guestbread@saintspyridon.church

  • The Fellowship Ministry complements the Hospitality Ministry and the Guest Bread Ministry by fostering a sense of community and connection among parish members during coffee hour following Divine Liturgy on Sundays or special feast days. Our mission is to create a warm, loving, and inviting atmosphere as we strive to humbly serve our familiar friends and get to know our new visitors. Every active and capable adult parishioner is invited to serve on a team, with the flexibility to personalize service according to individual abilities, restrictions, finances, and time. Teams take turns hosting coffee hour fellowship, coordinating the food items to be bought and served. This provides an opportunity for parishioners to gather, share refreshments, and build relationships in a warm and welcoming environment. You will be contacted and invited to serve about 4 times per year, and whatever is offered and given is gratefully received. For questions or to get involved, please contact fellowship@saintspyridon.church

  • Engaged couples preparing for marriage in the Church have the opportunity to participate in our premarital ministry, which involves each member of the couple completing an online assessment instrument covering topics such as Core Relationship, Spirituality, Life and Career, Personal Factors, Children and Parenting, and Culture and Family.

    For more information, click HERE.