Administrative Ministry
Administration is a spiritual gift. St. Paul lists the role of effectively leading, managing, and running an organization as a gift of the Holy Spirit for the building up of the Body of Christ, the holy Church. “And God has appointed in the Church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, then healers, helpers, administrators…” (1 Cor. 12:28). This important Ministry focuses on making sure the operations of the entire Parish are efficient, effective, accurate, transparent, and professionally executed, led and communicated to the parishioners by the Parish Clergy, Parish Council, Parish Staff, and Ministry Leaders.
The Parish Council is a ministry consisting of the Priest, as the head of the Parish, and nine dedicated and faithful lay members elected by the Parish. Members are called to be Ambassadors of the Faith and assist the Parish in fulfilling its Vision and Mission. The Council is accountable to both the Parish Assembly and the local Hierarch, ensuring that all parish activities align with the Church's mission and regulations. The Council’s Executive Board includes the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Council supports the Priest in managing parish affairs, overseeing ministries such as Stewardship, Finance, Safety, Facilities, and Fundraising, and preparing and maintaining the Parish budget as well as facilitating the Parish’s strategic plan. Members are elected for two-year terms and must run for re-election upon completion. They may serve up to two consecutive terms before taking a break from this ministry. For questions please contact pc@saintspyridon.church.
If you are 16 and older, have any time and organizing/maintenance skills that could benefit the facility and grounds of our parish, please contact info@saintspyridon.church.
If you would like to volunteer in the office on a regular basis, answering the door, giving Church tours to our guests, helping with mailings, or doing special administrative tasks to help our staff, please contact info@saintspyridon.church.