Worship and Sacramental
The heart and soul of the Orthodox Christian Church are the worship services and holy sacraments. All other ministries serve as an extension of this life-giving aspect of the Church’s life. When parishioners are committed first and foremost to the Divine Liturgy and the other services and sacraments, they enter in union with God and receive His divine grace and gifts of the Holy Spirit. This then enables them to offer their gifts of time and talents in ministry to work out their own salvation and fulfill the other aspects of the parish’s mission. Father Evan oversees the worship and sacramental life of our Parish and he warmly and enthusiastically invites you to get involved in the following ministries if your God-given gifts match the ministry.
Those who serve in this ministry have the privilege, in reverence, prayer, and silence, of keeping the altar, sacristy, church, and narthex clean and organized. We attempt to spend a few hours weekly tending to this task and are available on an as-needed basis. A few times a year we meet to clean more broadly and thoroughly. Adults and children alike are invited to participate in this ministry. For questions or to get involved, please contact altarcare@saintspyridon.church.
The term “Acolyte” comes from the Greek word “akolouthos”, meaning attendant or follower, reflecting their role in assisting bishops or priests during services. It is also related to “akolytos” meaning pure or free from sin. During the Liturgy, acolytes symbolize the Angels who assist Christ and the Parish Priest, embodying qualities of readiness, quietness, and excellent behavior. Their duties include assisting with processions, cutting antidoron (blessed bread), preparing the censer and hot water, and holding the cloth and bowl for Communion. Acolyte men are trained by the clergy and senior acolytes to serve with reverence, competence, and dedication. Additionally, acolyte men play a vital role in mentoring our youth acolytes and teaching them all about serving in the altar. For questions or to get involved, please contact altarservice@saintspyridon.church.
Serving at the Holy Altar is a privilege and a beautiful offering to our Lord. Boys ages 7-18 are encouraged to join the altar serving team as acolytes during Sunday morning Services, Lent, and Holy Week. Acolytes assist the clergy by lighting candles, preparing incense, and participating in processions. Acolytes are trained by clergy and experienced adult acolytes to perform their duties with competence, reverence, and prayerfulness. Serving requires dedication, discipline, and a deep respect for the beauty of our worship. For questions or to get involved, please contact altarservice@saintspyridon.church.
Each Sunday, and occasionally on special feast days throughout the week, the choir leads the congregation in worship during Divine Liturgy. Their goal is to enhance the worship experience and uplift parishioners through the beauty of choral music. Individuals aged 14 and above are warmly welcomed to join, or younger individuals may participate with approval from the choir director. Those with a passion for singing are invited to join the Choir. No auditions are required; however, a commitment to regular attendance at both Divine Liturgy and rehearsals is requested. For questions or to get involved, individuals can contact choir@saintspyridon.church.
The Youth Choir connects the youth and music ministries by fostering an appreciation for using our voices in the service of the Church. The Youth Choir currently leads the Liturgy on Holy Saturday morning and holds several practices in preparation for this special service. For questions or to get involved, please contact youthchoir@saintspyridon.church.
The mission of the chanting ministry is to master and perform Byzantine chant with the utmost beauty and reverence in all church services. While the focus is on Byzantine chant, they also incorporate other types of chant and ensemble singing where appropriate. Their dedication includes research, study, and regular practice to ensure they are well-prepared for every service. To join at the chanting stand, participation in training and rehearsals is required. Experienced chanters are encouraged to discuss their interest with the Lead Chanters, who will evaluate and approve their inclusion. The chanting ministry warmly welcomes both seasoned chanters and those with a strong singing voice who are eager to learn this sacred art. For questions or to get involved, please contact chanting@saintspyridon.church.
The purpose of the liturgical readers is to provide strong, clear, and unaffected readings of the scriptures during the liturgical services of the parish. This role requires periodic training and a commitment to read at Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings. A quarterly schedule is established, typically assigning each reader to one Sunday within the three-month period. Individuals who are 15 years or older, possess a strong voice, and are interested in becoming a reader are encouraged to contact readers@saintspyridon.church to arrange an initial training session.
All girls between the ages of 4 and 14 are invited to participate as Myrrh Bearers on Holy Friday evening. Girls younger than 4 may also participate in a limited capacity. This role provides a wonderful opportunity for the girls in our church to express their love for Christ by taking part in the services. We have one mandatory practice each year, typically following Divine Liturgy on the Saturday of Lazarus, along with 1 or 2 additional practices leading up to Holy Week. For the Holy Friday Evening service, the girls should wear a white dress and bring a small basket for holding flower petals. Each year, we organize a Myrrh Bearers Dress Exchange, encouraging parishioners to donate clean, ready-to-wear white dresses for others to use. We request that all items be returned after Pascha, cleaned, pressed, and prepared for the following year. For questions or to get involved, please contact myrhbearinggirls@saintspyridon.church.
To bake Prosphora is to engage in a vital ministry central to the celebration of every Divine Liturgy at St. Spyridon. Volunteers in this ministry prayerfully bake the loaves of bread known as ‘prosphora,’ which means offering. This act symbolizes our offering of our entire lives and all of God's creation back to Him in thanksgiving. The clergy use this bread of offering in the preparation of the Divine Gifts before every Liturgy. During the Service, the main celebrant lifts both the Bread and the Chalice of wine and says, “Your own of Your own we offer to You in all and for all.” By offering the prosphora, we give back to God what we have received from Him, and in return, we partake in the Gifts of His Body and Blood for the remission of sins and life everlasting. Preparing the prosphora is a beautiful and significant act of worship. It invites bakers to meditate on sacred hymns while mixing ingredients, pray while kneading dough and setting the seal, and remain mindful that this gift is for the One who is the true Bread of Life. We warmly invite you to join this ministry team and contribute directly to this essential aspect of Orthodox Christian life and practice. The current cadence for baking is roughly 4 to 6 times a year, with each session involving the baking of two loaves of prosphora. Ministry leads provide the recipe and baking instructions for first-time volunteers. When bringing the bread for Divine Liturgy, bakers submit a list of names to be commemorated during the service. For questions or to get involved, please contact prosphora@saintspyridon.church.